Time Management: Can I get more time?

Most often we are of the opinion we need more than 24 hours in a day. This is especially true for a workaholic, where time is money. As a researcher, time is invaluable. Every minute lost is gold you could have mined. Well, more than 24 hours a day is wishful thinking but here’s how 24 hours in a day is enough.

A busy wise person would lay out a timetable for the day and stick to it. That’s ideal. Nobody can stick to a particular agenda to the dot, at least most of us cannot. There are loopholes in your schedule which you can learn to exploit.

  1. Setting Time Limits: Your time is precious. Hence quantify what you wish to complete within a specific time frame. Have you decided to amalgamate the data you collected over the last week? Set a timeline by when you need it finished. Setting unrealistic deadlines only adds to the pressure. Always maintain a buffer time. That way you are bereft of undue burden. Interruptions occur during a fixed timetable. You may get a phone call, this could take longer than it should, and it may disrupt your schedule. Be upfront with the person how much time you have for the conversation.
  2. Yes to Rest & Leisure: An efficient time manager would never compromise on his leisure time. Time lost here is equal to making a compromise on your productivity throughout the day. Best utilization of this time can be equivalent to adding two hours to your schedule.
  3. Organising your Workplace: What does this have to do with managing time? Easier it is to locate the things you need, lesser is the time you waste searching for it. Organising your workplace and saving time are two sides of the same coin.
  4. Under schedule: As you plan your time, schedule for only a portion of that time. For instance, for a 10 hour work day, schedule just for 8 hours. The extra 2 hours can serve as a contingency plan, for unplanned activities or events. Psychologically, it also helps to know you have extra time. Lesser the pressure more the productivity.
  5. In-Between Time: Waiting for a cab? Waiting in line for an appointment? Waiting for the lunch to be served? Let’s call it the in-between time. These are small lumps of time that can be utilized to complete other tasks from your schedule. A quick scroll through your social media, a glance at the news, replying to your text messages or emails, reading a blog that caught your attention or maybe just listening to music. Shaving minutes off of several tasks throughout the day, you can free up a more massive block of time later.


Time saved is Time gained.

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